Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Secular Lebanon

The general purpose of the presentation is to inform people about secularism and persuade them that secularism is the only means for political and social progress.

The specific purpose of the presentation is to persuade people that secularism must be implemented in Lebanon, because it is the only means for peace, prosperity, and stability in Lebanon.

I.                   The dictionary definition of secularism, atheism and sectarianism will be given during the introduction, and the various repercussion of each school of thought will be previewed.
A.    Secularism is a movement derived from the word secular, which means either of three things according to the online dictionary:
1.      Of or relating to worldly as opposed to sacred things; temporal.
2.      Not concerned with or related to religion.
3.      Not within the control of the Church.
B.     Atheism is a movement derived from the word Atheist, which has the following dictionary definitions:
1.       Disbelief in or denial of the existence of God or gods.
2.      The doctrine that there is no God or gods.
C.     Sectarianism is also a school of thought, but is derived from the word sectarian, which according to the online dictionary means:
1.      Of, relating to, or characteristic of a sect.
2.      Adhering or confined to the dogmatic limits of a sect or denomination; partisan.
3.      Narrow-minded; parochial.
D.    A preview of what will be discussed in the body will be quickly shown on the PowerPoint presentation aid.

 Now that you know what secularism and sectarianism really means, a detailed comparison between them and their diverse repercussions will be discussed.


II.                The reasons that make the Lebanese refute the idea of secularism and its implementation are various. The following is a list of those reasons:
A.    People are not aware of the difference between secularism and atheism; hence the idea of a secular society becomes blasphemous.
B.     Contrary to the shared myth that Lebanese are highly educated people, they are not. Therefore their ability to interpret politics correctly is hindered, and instead of using reason they use indoctrinated beliefs to back up arguments.
C.     Lack of transparency in the Lebanese society among commoners and politicians alike is an indicator of lack of morality and self-control. Having a secular society requires people to restrict themselves to the laws, which at the moment they are not.
D.    Sectarian people fear the idea of being ruled by the other sect, and therefore believe that if Lebanon becomes a secular nation the majority which is the Shiite will rule all other sect, which in turn is a logical fallacy.

 Now that you know the main reasons why secularism is currently refuted in Lebanon, a Sign Post:preview of what sectarianism has done to Lebanon.

III.             Sectarianism has claimed the lives of millions of people throughout the history of Lebanon, and hindered social, educational, economic, and political growth.
A.    The history of Lebanon is mainly a history of sectarian violence  that has produced the following casualties:
a.       Between 1840 and 1860 sectarian violence between the Druze and the Christians of Mount Lebanon left more than 380 villages destroyed.
b.      1958 Conflict between the Government (Christian) and the Opposition (Sunni and Druze) produced 4000 casualties.
c.       1968, 1975-1990 Civil war between all sects of Lebanon produced 150,000 deaths, 200,000 wounded, 900,000 displaced, and 400,000 missing.
d.      More recently in 2008, civil unrest which started in May 8, and extended till the end of that year resulted in battles between the Sunnis, Shiites, and Druze, which in turn produced 104 casualties and 85 wounded.
B.     Sectarianism’s effect on the economy is very clear, and can be deduced from the negative GDP growth of -57% during the 1975-1990 Civil War and 75,000% devaluation on the Lebanese Lira.

After discussing the effects of sectarianism, the effects of secularism on different cultures including diverse cultures will be discussed.

IV.             The application of secularism on culturally diverse societies in the world and the Middle East.
A.    The UNDP has developed a cool called Human Development Index (HDI) for countries to measure which are the best, and which are the worst countries to live in. The top 10 countries with the highest HDI are all secular nations: Norway, Australia, Netherlands, and U.S.A. New Zealand, Canada, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Germany, and Sweden.
B.     Turkey which is a conservative country and shares a large amount of cultural identifiers with Lebanon has turned secular more than 80 years ago, and since then it is experiencing steady growth on all levels including HDI.
C.     The USA is one of the most culturally diverse countries on earth, home to more than 30 different religious sects, yet maintains a superpower status and rank 4th on HDI. This was made possible due to the fact that politics is separated from religion.
The sectarian status of Lebanon has defined us as a third world developing nation, which has constant political and economic instability due to sectarian violence. Lebanon is constantly used as a scenario for what can happen when religion mixes with politics. It is time to put our narrow mindedness behind us, and prosper after thousands of years of suffering due to sectarianism.


(1999). Photographs in History (Arabic). In Photographs in History (Arabic) (p. 76). Beirut: Dar Al Nasher.
Atheist. (2011). Retrieved from The Free Online Dictionary by Farlex:
Sectarian. (2011). Retrieved from The Free Online Dictionary by Farlex:
Secular. (2011). Retrieved from The Free Online Dictionary by Farlex:
Life, T. P. (2010). U.S. Religious Landscape Survey. Washington: PEW.
Mongabay. (1987, December). Lebanon - The 1958 War. Retrieved from Mongabay:
Sarkis, P. (2011, December 1). History Prof. at LAU. (R. Riachi, Interviewer)
SPILLER, R. J. (1981, January). Not War But Like War. Retrieved from Command and General Staff College:
UNDP. (2010). HDI Report 2010. Retrieved from
Wikipedia. (2011). 1860 Lebanon Conflict. Retrieved from Wikipedia:
Wikipedia. (2011). Lebanon. Retrieved from Wikipedia:

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Our Man in Beirut

Our man in Beirut was in in Secteur 75 tonight for his book signing, and his book was apparently a blog... well a blog in print form rather than online, which is a nice concept. It was no surprise that Mr. Nasri Atallah was over whelmed by happiness cause the dude is loved! The place was packed and a couple of interesting moments happened around 7:00 pm when the electricity went off (not really).

At the end of the day all I have to say is Big Ups Mon and Bouyakasha ;)  

Monday, November 7, 2011

The Night of The Adeaters

(Click on links in blue to see videos)

Yesterday Nov. 6, I went with my girlfriend who also happens to be a graphic designer to "The Night of the Adeaters". I honestly was planning to sit through out all of the 500 ads, but the majority of the idiots that were present there made it unbearable. Now one may understand the thick nature of Lebanese people in a theater, but I think that 2U2C, the company that produced the event is to blame. It was not enough for people to talk and put their feet against the back of your chair, 2U2C had to give them air-horns and hand held strobe lights to give anyone who was actually there for the Ads an epileptic seizure.
Now I left around 11:20 pm from the venue, which means that I watched almost 1 hour and a half of ads, and a lot of them were awesome, especially a couple of Audi ads (I'm biased towards the brand), and some really nice Coke ads. But some were an epic fail, there was one in particular about an African bottled water brand, I think it was called La Fontaine or something like that. It really sucked ass. Or Timol the insecticide ad, them guys really used their imagination in order to suck badly.
At the end of the day, the experience is enlightening, but as long as its produced by 2U2C in the same manner, I ain't goin anotha time ... 

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Starbucks CIO

Yesterday, LAU gave it's students the privilege to interview Mr. Gillet  online.

Mr. Gillet is the CIO "Chief Information Officer" for Starbucks, and happens to be Lebanese. I thought that was quite cool, its ironic that a top level exec in a Zionist enterprise is an Arab and a Jallad. Yes the family name Gillet is originally Jallad, which makes more sense, him being a Lebanese and all...

Any how, I honestly enjoyed reading the conversation despite the geeky technical computer language which I understood non of.

But the fact which I liked the most about him is being a gamer. I feel its like an F. U. to all the mediocre people who say that games are an utter waist of time!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Journalism Meh

On Monday the 17th of October, we were asked to audit a journalism course which should have been interesting because we were about to experience long distance learning with one of the leading journalists in the world, and he lived in the UK !

The experience was not interesting but the course instructor was, well at least her looks were interesting... A veiled university instructor with facial piercings was not something you see every day.

Back to distance learning, well, it appeared to me like a regular Skype conversation with a middle aged man that was just listening to ideas from university students that are trying too hard...

Conclusion: the experience was Meh, and for those of you that do not know what Meh means, Meh means I could have done without it because it was so uninspiring and lame ...

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Lebanese Blogs: The Good, The Bad, The Average

Image Source:

Blog Baladi

The Good

The Good: Rich in Topics
The Bad: Tacky Layout

What attracts my attention about Blog Baladi is the quantity of different topics it tackles, and they still manage to keep the topics relevant to the Lebanese society and up to date.

Another aspect which I liked about it, is that most of the posts are funny as hell and boldly stated. Oh and before I forget, they also agree that LB Beer tastes like beer Tang, so not only are they funny, they also know what to drink!

What I do not like about the blog is use of the ripped cardboard which complements, well, their name. However, I would have found it more interesting if they used a more modern layout design, it would have created more contrast between the content and the name.

All in all, I really like this blog ...

 Half Eaten Man2ouche

The Average

The Good: Interesting Title
The Bad: Retro Calendar on Side Bar

I guess whomever did this blog was really bored out of his/her mind, how else would someone think about naming something a half eaten man2ouche? However, it is a strategy that works and the proof is that I am talking about the blog now.

On another note, why is there a calendar on the side bar? When I see it in a blog or a site for that matter, I am reminded of Quintin Tarantino's movie "Pulp Fiction"... God it's so retro!

Topics are decent, there are some that are interesting and that are not, either way, you are compelled to check it out, due to the name.

All in all, its Ok

Beirut Drive-By Shooting

The Good

The Good: Lots of Pictures
The Bad: Posts are not labeled

Having a lot of pictures in your blog is a good thing and it works. People would rather check out pictures than reading long posts like this one.

I really like how most of the comments on the ads are spot on, they can't be expressed any better...

However, despite me liking this blog, I really did not like how the posts are not labeled because it has a lot of ads that are different, so people might want to see what's going on or what went on in a specific industry, but they can't ...

All in all, I like it, but please label your posts

Beirut Daily Photo

The Bad

The Good: Nice pictures
The Bad: It's not daily !

What I like about this blog is that it's well organize, although it can be more organized, but still, it Ok

However, what's monumentally annoying is that the title is Beirut Daily Photo and there hasn't been a post since December 2008. It would have been better if they called it Beirut Yearly Photo and spread the existing photos over a decade!

Also, a lot of the photos posted are not taken in Beirut, and the subtitle says "daily photos from BEIRUT .. a way to visit LEBANON where ever u r". So a more proper name for the blog would be Lebanon Daily Photo, that is if it was actually daily.

All in all, I think there's a long way to go in order to make up for the photos not posted

Beirut Beauty... "There Are No Ugly Women... Just Lazy Ones" 

 The Bad

The Good: Nothing
The Bad: Very Random, pointless

To start with, the title of the blog is very sexist and I am a guy who is not that fond of feminists. It's too misogynistic... However, I might be able to relate to what this blogger is trying to say it the content was any relevant, it's not!

You can find a multitude of topics in that blog which are totally unrelated, making this blog a total mumble jumble of crap...

All in all, please deactivate the blog !

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Conference: Healing the Wounds of History: Addressing the Roots of Violence

November 11–13, 2011

Lebanese American University
Byblos campus
This conference is proposed jointly by the Centre for Lebanese Studies (CLS) at the University of Oxford and the Guerrand-Hermès Foundation for Peace (GHFP), in partnership with the Institute of Diplomacy and Conflict Transformation (IDCT) at the Lebanese American University (LAU). It will be hosted by LAU at its Byblos campus. The main aim is to explore the socio-psychological and deeper roots of violence in present-day Lebanon, and to identify new modalities in reconciliation and dialogue, between both individuals and groups.
